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【Spaceship Air】電商寄歐美2KG內專用物流的4大推薦原因 附寄電子產品須知

【Spaceship Pro】寄歐美包裹最平第1首選!Spaceship Air 電商專用物流


寄歐美小包推薦!電商專用物流 Spaceship Air

什麼是 Spaceship Air?

Spaceship 了解電商網店的實際需要,平均寄件尺寸落於2公斤內,特別打造 「平衡價格與運輸速度」 的物流寄件歐美專線,讓有需求的用戶可以選擇一個最貼合你營運效益的方案!

Spaceship Air 專攻寄歐美路線小包,想從香港寄美國、寄英國及歐洲其他熱門寄件國家、寄加拿大、紐澳地區等,0.5至2公斤內小包裹超便宜,平均2週內寄到,還能全程追蹤!含鋰電池產品也能寄!想使用此服務?免費登記成為 Spaceship Pro 用戶,即可開始使用此服務。




與其他快遞物流相比,Spaceship Air 擁有下列 4大完勝優勢,幫助網店店主輕鬆處理產品物流!

1. 價格超甜超優惠


      • 最快速的FedEx要約438港幣,花費2-6天
      • UPS約195港幣,花費4-5天
      • 價格相對優惠的香港郵政約72港幣,花費7-14天

Spaceship Air 僅僅約港幣55元,花費7-12天


香港寄美國 (KG)
Spaceship Air FedEx UPS 香港郵政 HKPost
7-12 天 2-6 天 4-5 天 7-14 天
0.1 HK$ 55 HK$ 438 HK$ 195 HK$ 72
0.2 59 438 195 94
0.3 74 438 195 110
0.4 88 438 195 126
0.5 103 438 195 142
0.6 118 513 232 164
0.7 132 513 232 181
0.8 135 513 232 198
0.9 150 513 232 215
1.0 164 513 232 232
1.5 238 602 272 317
2.0 311 679 333 402

到底為什麼 Spaceship Air 能這麼便宜?

Spaceship 物流網路涵蓋全球多個國家及地區,Spaceship Air 專門為郵寄輕型包裹而設計,更優惠的體積重計費方式,讓 2 公斤以下的包裹享受更經濟實惠的運費。此服務包含從香港出發到美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭、英國及歐洲等國,以 Spaceship 提供首程空運服務,並承接各國當地郵政或快遞公司以完成最後一哩運送,藉此降低運輸成本。


2. 以每0.1公斤超小單位計算,讓你不花冤望錢

    • 「明明寄件物品重才1.1公斤,就要無條件進位成1.5公斤的價格」?
    • 一般物流快遞商通常都以0.5為一個計價單位,讓輕重量產品的網店,如:手機殼、手機配件、飾品等白花了好多無條件進位的冤望運費。
    • Spaceship Air 提供2公斤內小包裹價格超佛寄件,每0.1公斤為單位計算運費,不佔你便宜!


3. 免登入可即時追蹤郵件

    • 擺脫不靠譜的物流追蹤!Spaceship Air 提供多達 11 點郵件狀態更新,寄件者及顧客免註冊登入就可以隨時透過 Spaceship Pro 獨立追蹤頁面了解物流狀態,非常方便!


4. 幫你寄含鋰電池的電子產品

    •  香港郵政在這關已經出局,因為他們不接受郵寄鋰電池產品
    • 其他能寄含鋰電池的選項為UPS、FedEx,皆為價格較高的快遞服務
    • Spaceship Air 可以寄含鋰電池產品:我們接受商業客戶寄送含電池之貨物,每件包裹可攜帶一顆不多於 100v 的電池。
      • 聯絡我們以了解你的產品是否適用此服務。

Spaceship Air 寄鋰電池產品國外教學


單獨寄運電池、 充電寶(尿袋)、 純電池(純電芯)


寄電子產品到海外時,不論電池是否能拆卸,包裝內電池的淨數量及容量都會影響申報手續。 需要寄iPhone、iPad、Switch等電子產品到海外?Spaceship 為你整理需要的文件及包裝,助你可以輕鬆寄件到海外!



  1. 包裹內載不多於 2 顆電池,而電池需安裝於設備內
  2. 電子產品,記得要用非導電性材料(比如膠袋)封閉包裝好,放入堅固的外箱,再加上泡泡紙、隔墊物料等緩衝保護物填滿箱內空間
  3. 預約時請在請”貨品申報內容”一欄填上需要托運的電子產品名、電池容量及鋰電池標記(例子:iPhone14, 12.41Wh, P.I. 966-II /P.I. 967-II)
  4. 於 Spaceship 成功預約後,請必須自行列印以下所有文件交給快遞人員,否則會延誤寄件進度甚至被退件:
    • 成功預約電郵內的Shipping Labels
    • 成功預約電郵內的Invoice

需寄出多於 2 部電子產品、同時淨電池重量少於5kg

  1. 電池需安裝於設備內
  2. 電子產品記得要用非導電性材料(比如膠袋)封閉包裝好,放入堅固的外箱,再加上泡泡紙、隔墊物料等緩衝保護物填滿箱內空間
  3. 預約時請在請”貨品申報內容”一欄填上需要托運的電子產品名稱及電池容量 (例子:iPhone14, 12.41Wh)
  4. 於 Spaceship 成功預約後,請必須自行列印以下所有文件交給快遞人員,否則會延誤寄件進度甚至被退件:
    • 成功預約電郵內的Shipping Labels
    • 成功預約電郵內的Invoice
    • 包裹內載多於 2 顆電池,需要確保包裝紙箱印有 UN3481 鋰電池標記,並填上寄件人聯絡電話
    • 另外需加上電池資料的標記
      • PI966-II:包裹內屬可拆卸鋰離子電池,並與電子產品一同包裝
      • PI967-II:包裹內屬不可拆卸鋰離子電池
Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
請自行用彩色列印包裝於設備中的鋰離子電池 3.25 x 4.25 標記,並填上寄件人聯絡電話,並平貼於紙箱當眼位置


Spaceship Air 常見問題集


以當地海關列出的禁運物品為準。 Spaceship Air 亦不接受液體、藥物、身體補充品。

Service Exclusions

Spaceship Air 不包括重新發件及退件至寄送點之服務。


Destination Country No Service Area
United States
APO/FPO (Zip3 090-099, 340, 962-966),
Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands (Zip3 006-009),
Hawaii and Guam (Zip3 967-969),
Alaska (Zip3 995-999)


Item Declared Value

Destination Country Value Limitation
United States
Less than USD800
Canada No limit
Less than 1000 AUD
New Zealand
Less than 1000 NZD
United Kingdom
Less than GBP135 per parcel.
European Union Countries
Less than EUR150 per parcel


Duty Tax Arrangement

Destination Country
Duty and Tax payment
United States DDU only
Canada DDP only
Australia DDP only
New Zealand DDP only
United Kingdom DDP only
European Union Countries
IOSS number is required. In case the IOSS number is not provided, the shipment will be on DDP term with an IOSS handling fee.


Size and Weight Limitation

Destination Country Size Limitation
United States
Max Length ≤66cm, L+Girth ≤213cm
Max Length ≤200cm, L+Girth ≤ 300cm
Max Length ≤100cm, Volume≤0.25m3
New Zealand
Max Length ≤150cm, Volume≤0.125m3
United Kingdom
Max: 60 x 40 x30cm, Min 10x10cm


寄運保障 Spaceship Care

Spaceship Care 能提供使用者無憂慮的寄送服務,輕鬆保護您的產品。不同於以往的傳統托運保障,只要在結帳時簡單一步驟點擊 Spaceship Care,您的包裹就已擁有所有運輸過程的意外保障。

Spaceship Care 包含…

  • Cover all shipping carrier services available on Spaceship Pro
  • Provide your shipment extra protection, even covering the part incurred outside the control of carriers
  • Provide you full-item value protection
  • Pays even if carrier negligence is not supported from the carrier side, Spaceship Care coverage is more comprehensive for different shipping issues


電商經營及商業寄件知識,立即免費諮詢電商專家 Spaceship Pro

E-commerce 物流專家

不論你係網店店主抑或需要大型商業物流服務,Spaceship Pro 都能夠為你度身訂造最合適的出貨方案。Spaceship Pro 網店物流軟件,與全球超過 20 間物流商合作,提供國際小包專線以低至 $51 出貨到美國,節省高達 70% 運費成本。 Spaceship Pro 幫網店實時追蹤多個郵件,並設有專人上門收件。用戶無合約綁定及最低消費,推廣期內免平台訂閱費用。

電商物流 Spaceship Pro 寄件使用教學



  • 在 草稿 選單中選擇建立 新運單
  • 在主選單選擇建立運單,並點擊 新運單Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
  1. 填入 地址資訊(寄件人&收件人資訊)Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
  2. 填入運單資料 (eg. 訂單編號, 報關資料 & 包裹資料)Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
  3. 選擇您要的快遞公司來寄出您的包裹Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
  4. 再次檢查您的寄件資料,並選擇 付款 Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


  • 訂單創建成功 – 訂單成功建立後會出現在 預約上門收件 頁面  (注意:請記得下載運單標籤)
    Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
  • 訂單創建失敗 – 訂單若建立失敗會被移入 待處理 頁面。您可以前往該頁面並查看訂單無法建立的原因。Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
WhatsApp 專業 Spaceship PRo 顧問將協助您 WhatsApp 諮詢電商專家