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Free Report for BFCM2023

eCommerce Logistics Strategy for Black Friday 2023

  • → In-depth eCommerce 2023 insights
  • → Logistics best practices for BFCM
  • → Tips to save your shipping cost
Black Friday eCommerce Guide 2023


Cart abandon rate for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


Consumers value shipping cost over speed.


US eCommerce revenue growth rate.


Master your shipping, dominate your season.

Why should I care?

Messy inventory management and complicated logistics may cause late delivery and parcel lost, which severely harm your business. The situation will just intensify during the holiday season, so it’s time to have a better plan!

What should I do?

Optimize your shipping strategy to make the process faster, simpler, and smoother. Spaceship provides a one-stop logistics solution from warehousing to fulfillment automation, supporting massive inventory turnover in BFCM.

Benefiting who?

You and your team will be the ones truly capitalizing on the BFCM opportunities with less operation cost, more happy customers and quality time to focus on business growth.

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