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eCommerce Logistics

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Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【開網店創業攻略】2024開店留意五大設置貼士 助你在芸芸店家中取勝

你是否計劃開店,但又不知如何開始呢?雖然你知道要賣甚麼,又已經處理貨源,但網店要如何設計卻完全不懂。其實很多店主都不是擅長設計,所以我們在這裡提供一些貼士給新手店主。 1. 網店主題與賣點要夠清楚 搞清楚自己要賣甚麼,但有沒有搞清楚為甚麼要賣這東西嗎? 無論你打算賣甚麼,你都會在網上發現跟你賣差不多...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【IG網店攻略】教你5分鐘上架Instagram Facebook 賺取數倍產品曝光率

如何在FB及IG上開店? 社交媒體平台都是很有效帶人流到網店的渠道。而香港最多人玩的Facebook (FB)及Instagram (IG)更有Shop功能,讓你將店面連接到Facebook專頁或Instagram的企業帳戶,讓你的粉絲或追隨者可以瀏覽你的產品目錄,並到你的店面購物。 這次我們就介紹...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【網店創業設計】 2分鐘了解網店設計成本 如何選擇最適合你生意的版面

「設計」對網店創業的重要性 電商創業其實很多大小事情要兼顧。在你開始賣東西之前,要打點的東西可真的多。而當中牽涉到設計的東西可不少。至少就有以下幾項: (1) 公司商標 (2) 版面 (3) 社交媒體的圖像   首先公司名稱及商標 (Logo) ,我們有另外兩篇文章介紹,大家可以參考: 【...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【開網店創業攻略】 2024網店入貨攻略 定價6大技巧你要知

網店定價策略公開: 當你已經架設好你的網店,定了一個好的名字及設計好Logo,也知道自己要賣甚麼東西了,那下一步可能就是要為產品制價。這也許是非常困難的一步。 不過如果你還未處理以上的幾點,可以閱讀我們這幾篇文章 【電商攻略】品牌Logo設計趨勢 附兩大免費Logo工具推薦 【電商攻略】免費品牌命名...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


網店要賣得好,人流是重要,但中目標的人流就更加重要。從搜尋引擎進來的人,似乎都是你要的人流。如果你有做功課,可能都會聽過兩個從搜尋引擎獲取人流的方法。本文為你介紹SEO與SEM這樣個獲取流量的技術;讓你明白當中的原理。 為甚麼我們說從搜尋引擎而來的人流,是店主的寶藏呢? 試想像,當你想買嬰兒衣服,除...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【開網店創業攻略】2024 服裝品牌 如何吸引年輕消費群

自創服裝網店怎麼經營? 新網店要令品牌有知名度,尤其是競爭激烈的服裝類商品,傳統網上銷售的方式已不合時宜,要作出針對性部署才能吸引年輕消費群。 1. 代表自己價值 「傳統智慧」告訴我們,做生意不要談時事。 不過現在網絡年代,這種傳統的思維去理解年輕消費群可能會令你吃點苦頭。年輕族群對現時的社會議題、...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


新開網店想更多人知道,可借助不同方法來增加店面曝光率,下列五個就是常見例子。曝光率越高,自然有人流再轉換成生意。   1. 電商SEO優化 搜尋引擎優化 (SEO) 對增加店面人流有決定性的影響, 讓你的店面在Google、Yahoo等搜尋結果有較前的排名,搜尋結果排名越高,化表有較大的點...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【開網店創業攻略】網店shopstreaming教學 提升銷售額5大重點

網上銷售的趨勢當中,「帶貨直播」可說是炙手可熱。在我們周邊的市場,例如台灣、韓國與中國,這種銷售模式很受歡迎。你也想用這方法,為你的網店進行宣傳,甚至促銷嗎? 所謂的「帶貨直播」,其實就是將傳媒的電視購物台模式,加入網絡互動及社交媒體的分享,以至令購物台的內容推廣得更遠。當然這種方式不單在亞洲流行,...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

【香港網店專訪】從實體店拓展網店 文化屋雑貨店分享實戰經驗

近年香港崛起最快的人氣新蒲點,深水埗大南街一帶定必榜上有名。縱使在新冠「疫」境肆虐下,當地一系列的文青小店生意雖然一度大受打擊,但只要敢於創新及變通,深水埗甚至是香港,還是機遇處處,今次香港選物店專題主角:文化屋雑貨店和LUDDITE主理人Rex,其逆境營商之道,就很值得大家學習。 疫市轉型網店業務...

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


無論是想創業或正在創業路上的你,都要知道創業不是一件簡單的路。現在各個行業興起,究竟在哪些產業、方向是未來的創業發展趨勢呢?作為一個創業家,光是有專業知識及技能還不夠?成功的創業家需要具備哪方面的知識呢?我們幫你整理了一個成功創業者不能不知道的二三。 相關閱讀:SMB網店物流三大成功之道  ...