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簡易自動匯入,消化您的大量夏季訂單 Spaceship Pro Product News

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

炎熱的夏天讓人熱得無法出門,加上颱風來襲的滂薄大雨,都使夏季出門購物困難重重。 打開手機上網購物成為最佳選擇,方便又快速,身為電商的你準備好迎接大量訂單了嗎? 讓 Spaceship Pro 帶領你簡化所有寄件流程,一鍵搞定客戶訂單。

透過 Spaceship Pro,您現在可以輕鬆快速地處理大量訂單。告別繁瑣的手動訂單處理流程,轉而採用更快速、更便捷的方式來滿足您的客戶需求。

1.  訂單簡易匯入,減少您的出貨負擔

Spaceship Pro 給予用戶多項訂單匯入選擇,除了原有的 自動化驗證匯入訂單功能,我們也提供 簡易匯入,讓用戶能在訂單輸入到 Spaceship Pro 後再進行細節上的修改或是調整,系統會儲存您輸入的資訊,您可以利用平台進行訂單微調。

  • 簡易匯入訂單,系統儲存所有運件資訊
  • 搭配 Spaceship Pro 批量運單編輯功能,加速出貨

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


2. 托運服務追蹤號,運件追蹤零距離

Spaceship Pro 致力於讓運件追蹤再升級。每一筆在 Spaceship Pro 成立的訂單,我們都有專屬的追蹤頁面讓用戶可以直接提供給其顧客,無需帳號即可查看。這次的更新中,我們將原有的 Spaceship ID(SSID) 運件號碼更新成了訂單托運服務的追蹤碼,在 Shopify 訂單頁面上同步更新,讓用戶及其顧客都可以更輕易查看訂單運送狀態。

  • 托運服務追蹤碼,顧客更快速查看訂單狀態
  • Shopify訂單頁面同步更新,電商追蹤訂單更簡單

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

3. 批量編輯功能再升級,運單修改一次搞定

訂單未能成功購買會變成 待處理訂單,在這個階段每筆訂單都有運單缺失或是輸入錯誤的部分。當用戶使用批量購買時,也容易產生多筆待處理訂單。

Spaceship Pro 更新待處理訂單的編輯功能,現在可以針對多筆訂單進行批量的編輯、購買、取消,讓你無須再一一修改內容,加速運件標籤成立。

  • 批量編輯功能,編輯、購買、取消一次完成

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

更多 Spaceship Pro 更新內容:

物流自動化再進擊 Spaceship Pro Product News

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