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Black Friday 2023 Competitive Analysis Pro Tips: Sale’s Success Roadmap

Black Friday 2023 Competitive Analysis Pro Tips: Sale's Success Roadmap

The holiday shopping season, and Black Friday in particular, is a critical time for eCommerce businesses. To thrive in the competitive landscape, it’s essential to gain a deep understanding of your competitors and their strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to conduct competitive analysis for Black Friday. From understanding what a competitive analysis is to examining specific areas of your competitors’ strategies and leveraging valuable tools, this article will equip you with the insights you need to succeed.

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What is a Competitive Analysis?

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of competitive analysis, let’s clarify what it entails. A competitive analysis is the process of evaluating your competitors to gain insights into their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. It’s a fundamental practice for eCommerce businesses looking to thrive in the competitive landscape, especially during the holiday season.

When to Conduct Competitive Analysis for Black Friday

Starting a competitive analysis well in advance of Black Friday is essential. The earlier you begin, the more comprehensive your insights will be, allowing you to refine your strategy for the biggest shopping day of the year. It’s advisable to kick off your analysis several months ahead to ensure you have ample time to implement any necessary changes.

Conducting a Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is a pivotal step in understanding your rivals, their strengths, and weaknesses. It equips you with the intelligence you need to make informed decisions and refine your strategies. To ensure you conduct a comprehensive analysis, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Selecting Competitors

Start by selecting a well-rounded group of 7-10 competitors. These should represent a cross-section of businesses within your niche. While direct competitors offering similar products are essential, don’t overlook indirect competitors that may have a broader product range but still impact your market. Tertiary competitors, although less influential, can also provide valuable insights.

  1. Creating a Spreadsheet

Effective data organization is key to a successful competitive analysis. Create a spreadsheet to house all the data you collect. This will serve as a central repository for tracking and comparing information about your competitors.

  1. Categorizing Competitors

Categorize your selected competitors based on their relevance and impact on your eCommerce business. You can categorize them as direct, indirect, or tertiary competitors, as these distinctions will help you understand their significance within the market.

  • Direct Competitors: These businesses offer products or services closely similar to yours and directly compete for the same customer base.
  • Indirect Competitors: These companies might not offer precisely the same products but still cater to your target audience or operate in your niche.
  • Tertiary Competitors: These are businesses that have a tangential relationship to your market but have less direct impact.
  1. Identifying Positioning

To delve deeper into competitive analysis, identify how your competitors position themselves in the market. Understanding their target audience, unique selling points, and branding strategies is crucial.

  • Target Audience: Who are their primary customers? What demographics do they target, and what is their purchasing behavior?
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs): What makes your competitors stand out? Is it product quality, price, service, or something else?
  • Branding Strategies: Analyze their branding strategies. What emotions or associations do they aim to evoke in their customers?
  1. Determining Competitive Advantages

To gain a competitive edge, you must identify what competitive advantages your competitors hold. This involves assessing factors like:

  • Product Superiority: Do your competitors offer products that are of higher quality or unique in some way?
  • Pricing: How do your prices compare to those of your competitors? Are they offering discounts, bundle deals, or loyalty programs?
  • Customer Service: Evaluate the quality of their customer service, responsiveness, and problem-solving capabilities.
  1. Understanding Marketing Strategies

A significant part of competitive analysis involves scrutinizing your competitors’ marketing strategies. This provides insights into how they engage with their audience and promote their products.

  • Social Media: Analyze their social media presence. How often do they post? What is their average engagement rate? What type of content resonates most with their audience?
  • Email Marketing: Examine their email marketing campaigns. What is the frequency of their emails? What tactics do they use for subject lines and content?
  • Content Marketing: Investigate the content they produce. Which types of content perform best in terms of engagement and visibility?

Learn more: Black Friday eCommerce Strategy 101: From Marketing to Logistics, Everything You Need to Know

  1. Conducting a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool to gain a comprehensive understanding of your competitors by examining four key aspects:


Strengths encompass the internal advantages and assets that give your competitors an edge in the market. When evaluating your competitors’ strengths, consider the following:

  • Product Quality: Assess whether they offer high-quality products that attract and retain customers.
  • Pricing Strategies: Analyze their pricing strategies. Are they known for competitive pricing, bundled deals, or loyalty programs?
  • Brand Reputation: Investigate their brand reputation. Do they have a strong and positive brand image, and how do customers perceive them?
  • Marketing Effectiveness: Look at their marketing efforts. Are they successful in creating engaging and persuasive marketing campaigns?
  • Customer Loyalty: Examine whether they have a loyal customer base. Are they known for excellent customer retention?
  • Operational Efficiency: Evaluate their operational efficiency. Do they have streamlined processes that reduce costs and lead times?
  • Technological Advancements: Investigate whether they leverage technology effectively to stay ahead of competitors.
  • Market Share: Determine if they have a significant market share, indicating their dominance in the industry.


Weaknesses are internal factors that put competitors at a disadvantage. When identifying weaknesses, consider the following:

  • Product Limitations: Are there any limitations or drawbacks in their product offerings?
  • Pricing Challenges: Do they struggle with pricing competitiveness or pricing structures that discourage potential customers?
  • Customer Complaints: Research customer reviews and complaints to uncover areas where they fall short.
  • Marketing Gaps: Identify areas where their marketing campaigns or strategies are ineffective or lacking.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Are there inefficiencies in their operations that lead to increased costs or slower delivery times?
  • Outdated Technology: Assess whether they are using outdated technology that hinders their growth or customer experience.
  • Negative Brand Perceptions: Investigate any negative perceptions or reputational issues they may be facing.
  • Market Share Gaps: Examine whether they’ve lost market share or have been unable to gain significant ground.


Opportunities are external factors or trends that your competitors can capitalize on. When looking for opportunities, consider the following:

  • Market Trends: Identify current market trends, such as increasing demand for eco-friendly products or the rise of mobile shopping.
  • Niche Gaps: Investigate potential niches or segments of the market that competitors have yet to explore.
  • Global Expansion: Analyze if there are opportunities to expand into new geographic regions.
  • Strategic Alliances: Assess whether forming partnerships or collaborations with other businesses can open new avenues.
  • Product Diversification: Consider if introducing new product lines or services can appeal to a broader audience.
  • Digital Marketing: Evaluate the potential for expanding or improving their online presence and digital marketing efforts.
  • Economic Conditions: Analyze how favorable economic conditions may create opportunities, such as increased consumer spending.
  • Changes in Regulations: Investigate if regulatory changes can be leveraged for business growth.


Threats are external factors that can pose challenges or risks to your competitors. When identifying threats, consider the following:

  • Market Competition: Assess the level of competition in the industry and the risk of being outperformed by rivals.
  • Changing Consumer Preferences: Investigate whether shifts in consumer preferences could negatively impact their products or services.
  • Economic Downturns: Analyze how economic downturns or recessions can affect consumer spending and business operations.
  • Technological Disruptions: Evaluate how rapid technological advancements may render their current offerings obsolete.
  • Regulatory Changes: Consider the impact of new or changing regulations on their business operations.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Assess the vulnerability of their supply chain to disruptions, such as natural disasters or geopolitical conflicts.
  • Reputational Damage: Investigate the potential for reputational damage, such as negative publicity or customer scandals.
  • Cybersecurity Threats: Analyze the risk of cybersecurity threats and data breaches affecting their operations or customer trust.

Competitive Analysis for Black Friday

With Black Friday as the focal point, you could narrow your analysis to focus on the following:

  1. Analyze Competitors’ Black Friday Strategies from Previous Years

Review your competitors’ Black Friday strategies from past years. This includes examining their discounts, promotions, shipping policies, and customer service. Make note of any patterns or trends you observe.

  1. Compare Your Own Black Friday Strategy

Measure your Black Friday strategy against your competitors’. Are you offering competitive discounts? Do your promotions match or surpass theirs? Is your shipping policy as appealing? Is your customer service on par or better?

  1. Identify Areas for Improvement

Based on your analysis, pinpoint areas where you can enhance your Black Friday strategy. This could involve offering better deals, creating more appealing promotions, optimizing shipping policies, or improving customer service.

  1. Make a Plan to Implement an Improved Strategy

Create a detailed plan for implementing your improved Black Friday strategy. Set clear goals, establish a budget, and create a timeline to ensure a seamless execution.

Learn more: Black Friday Checklist 2023: Prepare for eCommerce Success

Specific Areas to Examine for Black Friday

When analyzing your competitors’ Black Friday strategies, pay attention to these key areas:

Discounts and Promotions

What types of discounts and promotions are your competitors offering? Are they targeting specific products or categories? Are they providing free shipping or other incentives?

Shipping Policies

Examine your competitors’ shipping policies. Do they offer free shipping on all orders? Are expedited shipping options available?

Learn more: Black Friday Winning Recipe – 8 Free Shipping Strategies

Customer Service

Assess how effectively your competitors handle customer inquiries and complaints. Are they responsive and helpful?

Tools and Software for Data Collection

To make your competitive analysis more efficient, you can utilize various tools and software for data collection:

SEO Analysis

  • Ahrefs: This tool allows you to see your competitors’ top-performing keywords and estimated traffic.
  • SE Ranking: Find out your competitors’ paid and organic search performance.

PPC/Keyword Performance

  • SimilarWeb: Gain insights into estimated monthly visits and traffic to gauge your competitors’ market share.
  • SpyFu: Download your competition’s most profitable keywords from their PPC campaigns.
  • iSpionage: See which keywords your competitors target on Google Ads, plus their projected monthly budget.
  • SEMrush: Run audits on competing sites and analyze their backlinks.

Social Media Performance

  • Rival IQ: See how often competitors post on social media, their average engagement rates, and their most successful content.
  • Followerwonk: Get insights about follower demographics, key influencers, and performance metrics.
  • Sprout Social: Measure competitors’ performance across social channels.

Email Marketing

  • Owletter: Analyze changes and spot trends in your competitors’ email strategy.
  • MailCharts: Aggregate emails to get insights into email frequency, subject line tactics, and more.

Content Marketing Performance

  • BuzzSumo: Discover the top-performing content for general topics and specific competitors.
  • Monitor Backlinks: Monitor backlinks and get notified each time someone references your or your competitors’ content.

Common Pitfalls in Competitive Analysis

Conducting a competitive analysis is a valuable process, but like any endeavor, it comes with its share of potential pitfalls. Being aware of these pitfalls is essential to conduct a successful and insightful analysis. Here, we’ll delve into each of these common pitfalls in detail:

  1. Failing to Update Data Regularly
  • Competitive analysis is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Many businesses make the mistake of collecting data and then neglecting to update it regularly. This can lead to outdated and potentially misleading insights. To avoid this pitfall, establish a schedule for data updates. Weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews can help ensure that your insights are always based on the most current information.
  1. Succumbing to Confirmation Bias
  • Confirmation bias occurs when you subconsciously seek out information that supports your preconceived notions and ignore data that contradicts them. It can skew your analysis and prevent you from seeing the complete picture. To combat confirmation bias, remain open-minded and actively seek out data that challenges your assumptions. Encourage team members to provide alternative perspectives to avoid falling into this cognitive trap.
  1. Collecting Data Without Taking Action
  • A common pitfall is collecting vast amounts of data without a clear plan for how to act on it. Data is only valuable when it leads to informed decisions and actionable insights. Avoid this pitfall by defining clear objectives for your competitive analysis. Decide what you aim to achieve with the collected data and develop strategies for acting on the insights gained.
  1. Working Hard Instead of Smart
  • In the zeal to outshine competitors, businesses might end up investing an excessive amount of time and resources in their analysis. While diligence is crucial, it’s equally important to work smart. Utilize tools and software to streamline the data collection process, automate repetitive tasks, and focus your efforts on interpreting and acting on insights. Working efficiently ensures your analysis remains sustainable and cost-effective.
  1. Starting Without a Clear Direction
  • Commencing a competitive analysis without a clear direction or purpose can lead to aimless data collection and confusion. Before diving in, establish a roadmap for your analysis. Identify the specific goals, the questions you want to answer, and the outcomes you aim to achieve. Having a well-defined direction keeps your analysis purposeful and focused.
  1. Not Accounting for Market Timing
  • Market conditions are dynamic, and seasonal events, like Black Friday, can significantly impact eCommerce businesses. A common pitfall is failing to account for market timing in your analysis. Understand that your competitors’ strategies may shift dramatically during peak shopping seasons. To avoid this pitfall, consider conducting a separate analysis specifically for these high-stakes periods, like Black Friday. This ensures your insights remain relevant and actionable.

Turning Competitive Analysis Insights into Business Strategies

  1. Strategy Refinement: Competitive analysis provides a unique opportunity to fine-tune your business strategies. Leverage the insights gained from analyzing your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to enhance your own strategies. Emphasize your unique selling points and differentiate your brand from the competition. This might involve optimizing your product offerings, expanding into new market segments, or refining your market positioning.
  2. Pricing Optimization: Pricing is a critical aspect of eCommerce, and your analysis can shed light on how your competitors approach this. If you’ve identified that your competitors excel in pricing strategies, take the time to adjust your own pricing to remain competitive. This could involve offering more competitive prices, creating bundled deals, or launching loyalty programs to attract and retain customers.
  3. Customer Service Enhancement: A superior customer service experience can set your eCommerce business apart. Use the insights gathered during your competitive analysis to address any issues or weaknesses in your customer service. Assess how your competitors handle customer inquiries and complaints and ensure that your customer service team is responsive, helpful, and capable of resolving issues promptly.
  4. Marketing Adjustments: Your marketing campaigns play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers. Refine your marketing strategies by adapting successful tactics from your competitors. Analyze the type of content, advertising channels, and engagement strategies that work well for them. Implement similar approaches in your marketing campaigns to connect more effectively with your target audience.
  5. Tailored Black Friday Plan: Black Friday is a pivotal sales event, and the insights gathered from your competitive analysis can guide your strategy. Create a Black Friday plan that reflects your competitors’ successful tactics. Offer deals and promotions that match or surpass what your competitors are providing. This plan should be customized to align with your brand’s unique selling points and customer preferences while capitalizing on observed market opportunities.
  6. Utilize Market Opportunities: Competitive analysis often reveals untapped market opportunities. Capitalize on these opportunities to gain a competitive edge. Whether it’s expanding into a new geographic region, introducing innovative product lines, or collaborating with strategic partners, leverage the information you’ve gathered to make informed decisions that drive growth and success.
  7. Continuous Adaptation: The competitive landscape is dynamic, and success requires ongoing adaptation. Keep a watchful eye on your competitors and remain prepared to adjust your strategies as the market evolves. Continuous adaptation is key to maintaining a competitive edge and thriving in the ever-changing eCommerce industry.

Fast and Secure Delivery with Spaceship

Fast and secure delivery is a critical aspect of Black Friday success. Spaceship as a fulfillment service provider, offers tailored services, including warehousing, pick-pack, and shipping. Here are key selling points:

  • Send from China or Hong Kong to worldwide from USD 5
  • Warehousing starts from 6 small boxes and charges monthly
  • Free software to control the entire fulfillment process online
  • Spaceship Care insurance protects your customers’ packages for peace of mind

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Competitive analysis is a powerful tool to succeed in the fiercely competitive landscape of eCommerce, particularly during Black Friday. By diligently analyzing your competitors and leveraging the right tools, you can refine your strategies and offer your customers the best deals and experiences. Remember, fast and secure delivery plays a pivotal role, and fulfillment partners like Spaceship can help you stand out in the crowd. Utilize these insights to elevate your Black Friday game and stay ahead of the competition.